Denny Esford
Resolving Disputes Since 2004
Denny Esford is a commercial litigator, arbitrator and mediator. He handles breach of contract, business torts, trade secret and related disputes, as well as copyright and trademark infringement claims in both state and federal courts.
Denny is a former engineer in the machine tool and automotive industries. He is a published author in the manufacturing field and former Technical Editor of Cutting Tool Engineering, an international trade journal.
Denny operates from two offices located in Chicago and Phoenix.
Recent Successes
The Neely Group v. HNO Int'l, et al., 22-cv-07347 (N.D. Ill. 2022). Breach of
Contract claim. Court ordered dismissal in Defendant client's favor.
Best Western Int’l v. 1025 Beach, et al., 22-cv-01696-PHX-CDB (Dist. Ariz. 2022).
Franchise dispute. Settlement favorable to the Defendant client.
Newport Condominium Assoc. v. Blackhall Corp. 401(k) PSP and Wu, 15-CH- 17426 (Cir. Ct. Cook County 2019); aff’d on appeal, 2021 IL App (1st) 200847-U; S. Ct. Petition 127403—Denied. (Sept. 29, 2021). Condo fees dispute. Summary Judgment in Defendant client’s favor upheld on appeal.​
Bar Admissions
U.S. District Court, District of Arizona (2021)
Arizona (2020)
U.S. Supreme Court (2008)
U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois (2004); Trial Bar (2012)
Illinois (2004)
Chicago Kent College of Law (2003), JD, IP Certificate
University of Dayton (1981), BT, Industrial Engineering Technology​
Tel: 312.405.7725